Coat of arms and logo for Baden-Württemberg State Palaces and Gardens
Ludwigsburg Residential Palace
One of the largest Baroque palaces in Germany
Ludwigsburg Residential Palace

One of the largest Baroque palaces in GermanyLudwigsburg Residential Palace

Ludwigsburg Residential Palace is one of the largest Baroque buildings in Europe to survive in its original condition. It offers visitors an insightful tour through the centuries – from Baroque to Rococo to Neoclassical.

Ludwigsburg Residential Palace (Residenzschloss Ludwigsburg) is one of the few Baroque buildings to have survived the tumultuous history of the last centuries almost unscathed. This truly palatial complex stands out not just for its impressive size, but also for its sumptuous interiors. Another feature is the unique blend of three quite different architectural styles: Baroque, Rococo and Neoclassicism.

A rich variety of museums and exhibitions, for both young and old, help to make Ludwigsburg Residential Palace a popular tourist attraction: the Keramikmuseum (Ceramics Museum) houses a large collection; the Modemuseum (Fashion Museum) showcases clothing from the 18 th century to the 20 th ; the private apartments of Duke Carl Eugen, with their original décor, boast rare and valuable furniture and accessories; and the Barockgalerie (Baroque Gallery) features an array of historical works by a selection of artists.

Kinderreich is an interactive museum where young visitors are positively encouraged to touch the exhibits and try things for themselves. Children aged four years and up can dress up and learn about life in the Duke’s court.

The Marmorsaal of Ludwigsburg Residential Palace

Flooded with light, the Marmorsaal (marble hall) encapsulates the splendour of the royal court of Württemberg.

From a hunting lodge to a stately residence

The first palace on the site, which forms the old corps de logis, or main part of the building, was constructed from 1704 onwards. It was intended as a hunting lodge for Duke Eberhard Ludwig. In 1718, however, when Ludwigsburg became the Duke’s principal place of residence, he sought a more fitting reflection of his power and prestige. Donato Giuseppe Frisoni, who was responsible for the construction of the palace, also developed the plans for a new corps de logis to the south. As a result, the three-wing complex acquired a fourth wing, enclosing a square. The impressive structure was completed in 1733.

The palace theatre of Ludwigsburg Residential Palace

In Ludwigsburg, you can admire the oldest palace theatre in Europe, with original stage machinery.

An impressive tour through the ages

A walk through the palace’s grand rooms is time travelling in style: the magnificent interiors offer a glimpse of life in the Baroque, Rococo and Neoclassical eras. In these authentic period surroundings, imbued with a subtle sense of faded glory, you can relive the days when Ludwigsburg was a regal residence and the centre of the duchy of Württemberg. The Schlosstheater (palace theatre) in the eastern wing is a particular highlight of the palace. With almost intact stage machinery and stage decoration, it is one of Europe’s oldest theatres. The four additional museums, which were opened on the palace’s 300th anniversary in 2004, are further attractions.

Kinderreich and Blühendes Barock

In Kinderreich, Ludwigsburg Residential Palace offers a unique interactive museum just for children. Here, young visitors can experience the sights, sounds and other sensations of life 300 years ago. But adults can also enjoy a feast for the senses, in the form of the park that surrounds the palace on three sides. The gardens were laid out for the 250th anniversary in 1954, partly following historical plans, but also with new elements based on Baroque designs. Since then, the gardens, known as Blühendes Barock, including the charming Märchengarten (fairy-tale garden), have become a popular destination for daytrippers.

Children are playing cards in the Kinderreich

A special treat: for children, Kinderreich is a paradise of a museum.


The Order BuildingGay celebrations and serious politics
The Order Building - Gay celebrations and serious politics
Zweites Vorzimmer des Appartements Carl Eugens im Residenzschloss Ludwigsburg
The apartmentsDuke Carl Eugen loved the playful
The apartments - Duke Carl Eugen loved the playful
Residenzschloss Ludwigsburg, Schlosstheater
The palace theatreWith original theatre machinery
The palace theatre - With original theatre machinery
The Marble HallOf grand elegance
The Marble Hall - Of grand elegance